Our Vision
To inspire and develop students as innovative inquirers
Inspire, Inquire and Innovate represents the vision for Science Education and encapsulates the overall experience of our students in Science education:
Developing Inquiring Learners Through ‘5E’ (DILE) programme is a school-wide Science programme that comprises comprehensive thematic teaching and learning packages for all themes in the Primary 3 to 6 syllabi. Each package:
adopts the ‘5E’ (Engage, Explore, Explain, Evaluate and Extend) approach as the key pedagogy in the teaching of Science.
incorporates Assessment for Learning strategies (AfL) such as “Concept checkpoint and “Fact or Fiction” to ensure that students have the necessary understanding before moving on to the next chapter;
includes performance tasks to provide authentic learning experiences
includes activities in the Student Learning Space (SLS) to promote self-directed learning
includes exercises for students to apply scientific concepts in different contexts
Science Joy of Learning @ Active Recess (JoL@AR)
All students have opportunities to interact with live animals to learn more about their characteristics and life cycles during recess.
JoL@AR Science also engages students to immerse themselves in hands-on STEM activities. These activities foster their creativity and enhance their problem-solving skills.
E2K Science Programme
Upper primary students who demonstrate interest and ability in Science participate in the E2K science enrichment programme. The aim of E2K is to develop in them habits, attitudes and dispositions scientists possess through scientific investigations involving advanced concepts.
Selected upper primary students can apply their higher-order thinking skills and gain exposure in external competitions, such as:
• Raffles Science Olympiad (RSO)
• Singapore Primary Science Olympiad (SPSO)